Thursday, 13 December 2007

Paddingon Art Competition

Well Done Amina and Rina!
Amina and Rina attended the prize giving ceremony at Paddington for the competition they entered a few months ago. Amina got first prize for her pastel landscape drawing and Rina came second using the same materials. Amina's card can now be bought in the Paddington Art shop so she really is an artist!

Amina proudly shows her framed, winning design.
Rina holds high her Runners Up certificate.

Wonderful Work

Wonderful Work!

Please feel free to have a peep around the door of our classroom and have a look at the wonderful work board. Work is changed about once every 2 weeks and all kinds of wonderful work is used, from Art to Maths.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Look at our Burglar Alarms!

Science in Literacy

We have been making circuits in Science whilst learning about Electricity. In Literacy today we use our knowledge about circuits and switches to make a burglar alarm! First we built a lego house and then added our buzzer circuit. You can see pictures of our finished burglar alarms below:

Next week we will write an EXPLANATION text explaining how our burglar alarms work. We will also add diagrams and flowcharts to make our explanations even clearer. We will draw a circuit diagram like the one above with labels. Instead of a light bulb we used a buzzer to make the burglar jump!